5 Dec 2006
Genocides in Africa
In Africa there have been many genocides across the region, with the most notiable one in Rwanda in 1994 when over 8000,000 people dead in a brutal inter racial disputes.World leaders stated in a United Nation Meeting after the genocide in Rwanda that the would be no more Genocides, but did has not materialised.
At This very moment Dafur in Sudan is going to through a genocide at the moment with the UN and G8 Leaders turning a blind eye to the canage.It think something has to be done because the peace agreement brokered by the AU has not stop Violence.FOrsake Of Humanity this senseless violences has to stop.images.google.co.uk/images
4 Dec 2006
African Arts and Sculpture
Arts in Africa has great heritage with history over 6000years works in Nigeria to more recent contemporary art works and it constitutes to one of the most diverse legacies of culture on the planet, which most times expressed in spiritual and social visual displays.They are divided in two main parts Traditional and Contemporary Arts, arts in Africa can be expressed in so many forms such Performance arts, visual displays and sculpture.
Visual Arts
The characteristic of style mainly based on Texture,Materials and Colors.These components are essential in visual display to emphasis the innovation and abstractness of the work.
Performance Art
These is a physical or three dimensional representation of traditional and contemporary art form in performance context.
These form consist of the carving of materials into a two dimensionally art work.
Arts in Africa show legacy of the civilization of Africa's culture past and future, the heritage of Africa arts has to be preserved so that next generation after us can have descriptions of who they are and who their ancestor were.
www.arttibal.com3 Dec 2006
Global Warming in Africa
Global Warning in Africa has become the major issue in the region with serious climate changes and the inability of most countries to adapt because of poverty , Africa is the most Vulnerable continent .
Signs of Climate changes are rampant across Africa such as spreading of diseases , Drought Prone areas, Desert encroachment in Areas, Melting of Glaciers on mountains,Sea level rising,Soaring temperature and Coral bleaching .Examples of this occurrences are as follows
- "Senegal -- Sea level rise, Sea level rising has caused the loss of Coastal land in Rusfisque and flooding of near by towns.
- Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania - Ice projected to disappear by 2020.the has been an estimated 82% disappearer of Kilimanjaros ice since 1912, with about one-third melting in just the last dozen years"
- Malaria Outbreak in Kenya -Hundreds of people contacted malaria because of the breading habitat for mosquito (1997)
- Forest fires in South Africa -- high Temperatures in South Africa caused forest fires in West coaster Region (2000)" (climate.org) http://http://www.climatehotmap.org/africa.html
African countries need to help themselves by using environment friendly tool and machinery to protect their climate,plus African leader have to put pressure on the bigger polluting Nations to take the right step to stop Global Warming.